Saturday, September 08, 2007

Conversations....and Menopause

One of the things that set apart human beings from various other beings on the planet is conversation. Animals more or less have simple sounds and gestures and (apparently) use it to convey simple messages in a "I want food" or "Need sex" kinda way while Humans have developed complex syntax of words, gestures and intonations that can convey deep and profound meaning to each other.

Or So I thought....

Of late, I have begun to realize that the whole conversation deal works fine for the human race...up to a point ..somewhere around menopause...beyond which they lapse into deep and profound communication with themselves....and when people meet...the basic idea is to look for a few gaps in the rival's one can continue one's conversation with oneself... loudly and vocally....

Mrs. Killjoy, an old family friend and also matriarch of a fairly screwed up family, over to have a cup of tea with my own fabulous mother....sitting on a porch on a fairly pleasant day...

My Mum "Spew's girlfriend is a very nice girl, you know....very sweet...and her parents...even nicer... Spewdad and I are planning to go over to Dilley on the 17th...."

Nodding from Mrs. K "....17th..yes....Motley (her maniac daughter in law) is also planning to go over to her folks place on the 17th...its been so long, you know ...and ever since she had a baby...."

Cluck clucking from Mum...."Apparently, they have been living in Dilley ever since spewgirl has been a baby.....and they are both so well educated you know.....They are both professors in university....."

Mrs. K still in her stride ".....and hopefully she'll get some time to herself you know...she has been planning to go to university for her post graduation, you know....between one thing and another....she's not really had the time ever since the marriage...."

Mum doing adequately herself "....and the good part is they want the marriage to happen as early as possible.....Mr.Spew Sr. also hopes that we can arrive on a date as soon as possible and start making the necessary arrangements, you know"

and on....and on...and amazingly....even more ...on....and the best part is, they finish their cups of tea, and look fabulously content with the whole exchange....having divested deeply inane content onto each other, They hug and they part.

Tea, anyone?

Friday, September 07, 2007

How are preparations....and more such

As a race, we are susceptible to change, and one of the changes is usually progress. This can be cut a million different ways but I think its safe to say that each generation improves vastly on the previous one, and is completely dumped on the wayside by the next. All this is fine, but there are some topics which bind these generations together with vines of mind numbing inanity, and one of them, to my utter grief, is weddings.

I am getting married in the next few days, and while I am quite looking forward to marriage in all its mundane fullness, it is the damn wedding which is getting my goat to roast over a slow flame.

"how are wedding preparations going?"

A fairly innocuous question, you might say, and innocuous I might agree, if I was haggling with my tailor a few hours before I am supposed to wear the damn thing and turn out in decorous glory to receive splendorously turned out guests, and badly wrapped gifts.

Not, and I repeat, NOT a full ONE HUNDRED days before the wedding. I just failed to see what on earth I supposed to be doing a full three months before the wedding. To me, my wedding prep was dusting off a suit and logging online to book some travel tickets.

and this question doesn't come a few dozen times. It comes in five times a day, day in and day out from every one...old tottering grandfolk, neighbors walking their dog, from the hot girl in tight tee you used to go jogging for, ex girlfriends from whom you were hoping for a "one for old times sake" rout in bed, bosses in the middle of appraisal just doesn't stop.

And I still haven't picked up my suit from the tailors.