Monday, October 22, 2007


We live in a phenomenal age....... an age where Heidi Klum, Kimi Raikkonnen and the Internet exist…… and my thoughts about the other two, readable as they might be, its the internet I want to talk about.

I have to tell you…the internet may have made the world many things…dumber...scarier...…but I have to say one of the profoundest impacts of the internet is that it has made the world an immensely funnier place. My blog and AW’s link about the average size of the female breast notwithstanding (…. I am talking about Google Ad sense, specifically.

Well…I read about GAS a few weeks ago…..and in a flash of blinding foresight, I saw many millions of people discovering my blog and making it a part of their interesting lives, and their morning Coffee and Pot routine…I thought it might make sense (using the term loosely) to invest in GAS… obviously with primary goal of using the many millions that would pore in, to alleviate world poverty, and down a few beers while I was at it.

Google, of course, works at the speed of light, and within the blink of an eye (a fairly galaxy sized eye though ….it took 11 days), they had the application up and running on this site.

Those of you who know this site, know that although we strive to conjure up family sized wholesome entertainment content here, requiring almost no parental guidance (except that to type out the URL), it can be a bit sleazy at times….

My last post was fairly run of the mill….and it of course had fashionable references to smoking….and in the midst of reading my countless fan mail….(I have to delete comments every 3 minutes to avoid overloading the site) …..I see this...

Made my day.