Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Namboodiri Principle

This gem from the effervescent, brilliant Oog - his invention, his glory, my site until he comes up with his own. The Namboodiri principle, evolved in the form of this refined tale, hides a stunning truth - a truth which could, to begin with, help the cause of world peace in no small measure by getting a lot of people laid.

On a sunny humid evening in eastern Kerala, Namboodiri and his friend were walking around a village quite peacably, talking about matters that two young men would on a sunny humid evening in eastern Kerala, when they saw a mahout with a majestic-looking elephant. Looking at the magnificent beast with its lolling walk, Namboodiri felt a sudden desire to own the elephant.
After a brief conference with his friend (who doesn't really have a substantial role in this tale) who owned most of the vigorous head-shaking content in that private dialogue, Namboodiri went to the mahout -

"Good sir, Would you consider giving your glorious elephant to me?"


Namboodiri walked away content.

Truly....a glorious tale.


Pratik said...

ok dude... kya chadha ke post likha tha!!!

Unknown said... me..there's something there....really think about it...

ankur said...

awesome....brilliant..!! this was amazing. this dude namboodiri is one helluva guy...! always manages to impress me...

thanks for sharing dude...


Pratik said...

I thought about it in various stages of drunken-ness... I even thot about it when I was on the throne - THE POT! - and it still fuckin doesn't make any sense!

Unknown said...

LOL! brilliant brilliant comment..been convulsing with laughter since! your credit...many others including the infamous mr. warikoo didnt get i did this sample survey..showed to three women who i thought might get it...and they didnt..but get this..showed it to about four people in a pub..and ALL of them got it! what do i blame? call me sweetheart..and..we'll hope it'll be btter for you this time round!

educatedunemployed said...

When I first read this I thought it was some management principle I would never get.Now I feel slightly better about my own ignorance. :), but I am very curious about the hidden meaning/principle.

Anonymous said...

Hi PK, AC here.
How many elephants did you ask for? We all know you got some ;-)

Most importantly, did you walk away content?


RS said...

trully brilliant ... i'm surprised so many people didnt get it!